This Is Why I Was Made
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5: [5] Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
Observation: Over and over again in God’s word it tells us we are created for a purpose and given gifts and talents to fulfill that purpose. This morning God confirmed why He made me. I received a letter from a lady that goes to my depression class. She expressed how the class has helped her overcome depression. She is trusting in God, using scripture to battle the enemy and giving her burdens to the Lord. Just when I thought the class might be a mistake God confirms that He doesn’t make mistakes
Application: Work harder in making this depression ministry what God desires it to be. Stand strong in my faith and share the love God has for us through my testimony. To find opportunities to share and help others and to trust in God that He will bring the results that He desires. Stop looking at the number of people that might be helped, but look at each person as God would.
Prayer: Oh Dear Father, I thank you for the encouragement you gave me this morning through this letter and I ask you to speak to my heart and show me how I might serve you each day. I’m your servant, your creation and may I fulfill the purpose that I was created for.