I Have Everything I Need
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6: [10] sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.
Observation: It seems I’m always worried about money, how we are going to pay our bills and what will happen if we try to retire and yet God has given me everything. He meets my needs each day and has blessed me with so many desires, but what I really need He supplies and that is peace with Him. God has promised me an eternal home and has given me the gift of having a purpose in this life. I’m rich with the Holy Spirit, His love, my testimony and my salvation. I have so much I can share it with everyone I meet and it will never diminish, only increase as I share with the people God puts in my path.
Application: A day should never go by when I don’t try to give away the abundance that the Lord has given me. God gave me all that I have so that I may share with others and that they may receive the riches of Christ. I need to stop worrying about what I don’t think I have and rejoice of all that God has given me and share those gifts with others.
Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me for not being grateful all the time. You are always with me and give me more then I need. Help me not be selfish with my riches, but to give to everyone the gifts you have bestowed on me.