Time To Take Out the Trash
Scripture: Ephesians 4: [31] Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
Observation: As soon as I stop thinking of God and have a moment to myself my mind goes in the wrong direction. I get angry and bitter and think of the most negative things. Lately my mind has been set on Teri’s brother and how he has mishandled their father’s estate. I want revenge for the way he has treated his sister and disgraced his father’s wishes, even though it is none of my business. I delight in the thought that he is headed towards hell instead of helping him avoid it.
Application: I need to have a forgiving heart and it doesn’t matter what other people do to me I have a responsibility to my Lord and savior to be the man He desires me to be. I’m here as His representative to guide others to his loving grace and mercy. I need to have Jesus in my thoughts at all times and the will of the Father to guide me in what to do each day.
Prayer: Dear Lord I am weak and evil and I can’t control my sinful ways on my own. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and take charge over this servant that I might glorify you and not myself. Give me a loving spirit and take away this judgmental and sinful thoughts of mine. Show me how to love others for your glory.