How Do I Please You Lord?
Scripture: Ephesians 5: [10] and find out what pleases the Lord.
Observation: I guess it isn’t as much finding out what pleases God, but doing it. Yesterday I felt called to evangelize at the beach with the church. It was very unorganized and only a couple of people came from the church. I feel I pleased God by stepping out to help, but my thoughts during the course of the day were not pleasing. I took an opportunity where I could have served God and pleased Him, yet I stopped short from glorifying God.
Application: I need not only take the initial step by obeying Him with my body, but also with my heart and thoughts. My Lord deserves my all, all my obedience, praise and worship not a halfhearted effort. God has done everything for me and all I have to do is find out what pleases Him and do it to the best of my ability.
Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me for letting you down once again. You know my heart and I do want to please you but my body and mind is weak. Give me the strength and courage to do things that honor you. I love you with all my heart help me live this life proofing it.