Living A Worthy Life
Scripture: Colossians 1: [10] And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,
Observation: Lately my life has not been worthy of the Lord. I haven’t been pleasing to Him, my good works are few with little fruit and most importantly I haven’t been growing. If I don’t grow I become stagnant and die and that is the direction I’m going. I’m wasting the precious time God has given me on television and sleep. Instead of getting involved in fellowship I’m dodging opportunities. Even when I read God’s word I’m thinking of something else. This is not a life that is worthy of my Lord.
Application: I know what I should be doing and I need to fight to do the right things. I need to bear fruit with my life and grow in my knowledge of my Lord. I should be studying harder to know my Lord and what He desires of me and not continually feed this flesh. I need to step out more often and make a difference for my Lord and touch the lives of others with the gifts God has given me.
Prayer: My Lord help me be a better man for you. I ask for wisdom and strength to do the things you desire of me. Help guide your servant to bear fruit in the works you have planned for me. Please take this laziness away and use me.