How is My Speech?
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2 [4] On the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts.
Observation: What does my speech tell others about me? Are my words kind, do I speak about Jesus and my Father, do I reflect love, faith and concern. I think back at the last few days and none of those apply. My thoughts have been about worry, angry and hopelessness at times. This is not the man that is approved by God to spread the gospel, who would want to listen to this man about the love of God?
Application: God has given me knowledge and a testimony that would allow me to touch hearts that others may not be able to reach. If I step out in faith I know God will bless my efforts and He has in the past. He has given me so much so that I may help others and that is what I need to be doing with all of my might. I need to take the focus off of me and direct it to help others find Jesus and the truth of the gospel.
Prayer: Dear Lord I know what I should be doing please help give me the courage and strength to do it. Get me out of my comfort zone to go to the war zone where your children are lost and hurting. Use the knowledge, testimony and gifts of your servant to touch the hearts of those you desire to be touched.