No One Greater
Scripture: Revelations 10 [6] And he swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, “There will be no more delay!
Observation: I pray to God every morning, evening and during the day, but most of the time don’t consider who I have the privilege to talk to. He is the greatest, who has created everything, lives forever and only through His grace I will get to live with Him. I think because I can’t even begin to fathom His greatness I don’t try to understand the privilege I was given to come before the throne.
Application: I will never understand completely but I must try to realize the greatness of God. Every time I come before my God in prayer I need to visualize bowing before the throne. I picture in the days that the king had to give permission for anyone to enter the throne room and then come before him bowing. My God deserves so much more than that, but if I visualize His holiness and that I’m not worthy that I would come before Him humbly as a servant, of which I am.
Prayer: My King, my Lord and my Master. Thank you for allowing me to come before you in prayer. Help me understand your greatness when I speak and may I not come before you without the respect and adoration that is owed to you. Help me be a better servant to the King.