How Good is My Credit?
Scripture: Genesis 15:6 Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness.
Observation: I have trust issues and I have no basis for them. God has been so faithful in my life, yet I don’t trust Him all the time. There has never been one thing the Lord has asked me to do that He wasn’t there all the way to make sure it got done. So how good is my credit with the Lord, even following Him over 15 years I would have a difficult time getting a loan of righteousness.
Application: Just lately God asked me to do a Military Christmas party and even though I wasn’t sure how to accomplish it He took care of all the details and made sure it came out just the way He wanted, but through the process doubts came into my mind and selfish desires came into my heart. Whenever I believe in the Lord things happen that glorify Him and that is the only reason I’m here. I need to trust in Him with all of my heart and not lean on my own understanding, but in all my ways acknowledge Him and let Him make my paths straight.
Prayer: My Lord please forgive me for my lack of faith. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and strengthen my faith that I will follow you whole heartily and not stray off the path you have me. May my life glorify you and help others to see you more clearly.