The Lord is Merciful
Scripture: Genesis 19:16 When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them.
Observation: That’s how I feel, looking back on my life that the Lord actually pulled me out of danger because of His mercy. I don’t remember doing anything good on my own or made any righteous decision without God. He pulled me safely through my whole life even when I didn’t want to go.
Application: It’s time for me to lead a life where my Lord doesn’t have to pull me, but that I seek where He wants me to go and I go eagerly. God’s mercy is beyond my understanding and looking back I see all the times he was there pulling me safely along. I want to live a life that helps others find the Lord and to help show them the mercy God has given me, a sinner. Instead of being pulled, maybe I can help push others closer to the Lord.
Prayer: My Lord, I thank you for all the times you pulled me to safety when I was tugging so hard to go the other way. Show me how to help others find you and live the life you have planned for them. Use m y testimony to touch the lives of others in your name.