No Fear of God In This Place
Scripture: Genesis 20:11 Abraham replied, “I said to myself, `There is surely no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.’
Observation: That sounds like American today, that there is no fear of God. The things that are done here and the rejection of God from our schools and government only show that our authorities are not afraid of God. I pray for our nation, but so often I just want God to carry out His justice in a place that doesn’t’ seem to care about Him or His will.
Application: One verse that stops me from just wanting God to destroy this place is that He wants none to perish and that reminds me I have a job to do. My mission that God gave me was to spread the gospel to others that they may be saved and receive Jesus as their Lord and savior. I need to be focused on doing my job and less on the things I can’t change. God will judge this nation on His time schedule and not mine.
Prayer: My Lord take this hatred from me and replace it with your love and peace. Give me a heart for others that I will do your will and help open their hearts to you. Remind me of the judgment that was on me before Jesus came into my life and if your judgment came before I would be burning in Hell, where I belonged.