God Leads My Way
Scripture: Genesis 24:[48] and I bowed down and worshiped the LORD. I praised the LORD, the God of my master Abraham, who had led me on the right road to get the granddaughter of my master’s brother for his son.
Observation: Each day God guides me, but do I give Him the praise and worship He deserves. God does so many good things for me I fear I take Him for granted. I can’t tell you the last time I bowed down and worshiped Him, or if I ever have. God has watched over me each day of my life and I barely praise him and give Him all the glory. I’m supposed to be the servant.
Application: Each day when I pray I need to worship my Lord and show my appreciation for all He has done for me. I owe Him everything and I need to treat Him with the love and respect He deserves from me. I need to recount all the times He saved me and put me back on the path he has chosen for me. I need to bow down and worship my Lord each day and show Him how much I love Him.
Prayer: My Lord and Master I owe you everything and there is nothing I have that you haven’t given me. I love you Lord and I need you to continue to guide your servant. Help me stay on the path that pleases you.