God is with Me
Scripture: Genesis 26: [24] That night the LORD appeared to him and said, “I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bless you and will increase the number of your descendants for the sake of my servant Abraham.”
Observation: I was reading my original book that I wrote and so much of the time it appeared I was afraid of just about everything. I was afraid of situations, of failing, succeeding, others and life in general. Even now when I’m not focused on God I’m afraid of what might happen and yet in the Bible over and over again it tells me not to be afraid that God is with me.
Application: I need to be more focused on God and not on my situation. God knows where I am and He is with me and if I focus on Him and what He desires I have nothing to fear. My life is in His hands and if I will submit totally to Him I will be guided and protected. If I could show God how much I love Him, instead of showing my fear I know it would please Him.
Prayer: My Lord forgive me for my fear and strengthen me through each day of this life. I know you haven’t given me a spirit of fear but a spirit of love and a strong mind. Give me courage to live this life in glory and honor to you.