What’s In For Me?
Scripture: Genesis 38: [9] But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother.
Observation: We seem to do very little unless there is a benefit to us. I know so many of the things that I do is to benefit me even though it may seem I’m doing it for someone else. Even if my main purpose is to bless someone else with what God has given me I will still look to see if there is any benefit to me. It is hard for us to give totally without any consideration for ourselves and even when we do we do it with the same excitement that we do things that benefit us?
Application: I need to realize when I give without expecting anything in return I’m doing what God calls me to do. God gives freely and unconditionally to everyone. Anything that I might give to someone else isn’t mine anyway, but given to me by my Lord. There is nothing I have that is truly mine except maybe my faith and even that is a gift from God. When I give, I’m giving back to God and He deserves it all.
Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for your generosity and I ask you to give me the same heart. To give and to do unconditionally to glorify you. Give me the heart of your Son and show me how to give of myself totally in glory and honor to you.