God Deserves the Credit
Scripture: Genesis 45:[7] But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.
Observation: How many times do I give God credit for something people might praise me about. I may thank God in private away from the people, but do I say it to the people so God gets the glory? Not often enough. Here is Joseph, his brothers who sold him into slavery and what an opportunity for revenge. He doesn’t only not get revenge, but he takes none of the credit for being in the high position he is in. He gives God all the glory, which God deserves, and points others to God and not himself.
Application: I’m a greeter at church welcoming people as they come in the door, but my job is to welcome people into God’s presence. Anything that I do that is good is only done because God desires it so and others need to know that. I sit here now with a testimony on how God delivered me from depression and it needs to be used so God gets the credit for healing me and to tell others that it is His desire to do the same for them.
Prayer: My Lord nothing happens without your permission. May others see the good you do through your servant. May I never take credit for anything, but direct others to you. May the people I meet know that I belong to you and that I tell them about your never failing love.