God Does Even More
Scripture: Genesis 48:11 Israel said to Joseph, “I never expected to see your face again, and now God has allowed me to see your children too.”
Observation: I never thought I would live this long. I tried to end my life the first time when I was only 36 years old and tried several times after that. I never thought I see my children grown, let alone my grandchildren and here I am 70 years old. God didn’t only bless me with more years, but He gave me a life worth living. I’m married to the most wonderful woman I ever met, more in love than I knew was possible and this from a man who couldn’t love anything. You can’t put God in a box, he just doesn’t fit.
Application: I need to never underestimate the power and love of God. No matter what I might be going through I need to give it to God and be obedient to Him. I need to stay in prayer and search for God’s will in my life and when He guides me, I need to give him all the glory and praise, because He is so worthy. Whatever I might be going through I need to rest in the fact God knows exactly where I am.
Prayer: Thank you for loving me so much and always watching over me. Thank you for not giving up on this worthless servant, but for bringing me close to you and making me feel worthy, because I belong to you. Open my mind that I may understand your will for my life and that I may please you each day.