God’s Good Intentions
Scripture: Genesis 50:[20] You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
Observation: God always has good intentions and He fulfills them. Most of the time we don’t know what God is doing in our lives and that’s okay, but we do need to trust Him, knowing whatever it is will be for our own good. If we would stop long enough when something bad is happening to us instead of feeling afraid, we look to God for His purpose and commit totally to His grace and mercy we will be able to see it. I never knew why I suffered so with depression, but that’s all I thought about was me, but God is using what I went through to help others. I’m useful now where before I couldn’t understand why I even existed.
Application: I need to continue to use the testimony God has given me and look at others through the eyes of God who loves them. Whenever anything happens in my life pray in private and ask God for wisdom to use it for His glory. Realize I am owned and loved by the creator of everything and He will use me for His purpose, not mine. There is nothing greater than to be used by God,.
Prayer: My Lord, thank you for loving me so much, that you wouldn’t give up on this sinner. I thank you for the way you are using me and I ask that you use me to glorify your name. I’m here to serve and use the testimony you have blessed me with. May I make a difference and multiply the talents you have trusted me with. I love you so much, help me show you.