He is the Lord My God
Scripture Exodus 29: [46] They will know that I am the LORD their God, who brought them out of Egypt so that I might dwell among them. I am the LORD their God.
Observation: A couple of things in this scripture the first do I know that He is the Lord my God? He is the master of my life, my creator and if I say He is, do I live my life that way? Do I realize He has brought me through this life. There is no reason I should be alive and to be so blessed, something I don’t deserve. Do I know that He dwells with me, that He is always there? There is nothing that my Lord doesn’t know and there is nothing He can’t get me through.
Application: I know these things are true, that God is my Lord and my Master and that He is always with me and that He is the one that got me where I am now. I need to tell others about His amazing grace and to share my testimony with those God puts in my path. To share the love of God with those in this world through my testimony. I need to stop keeping God’s mercy love and grace a secret and shout it out to others.
Prayer: My Lord and my God, thank you for all you do for me and thank you that you never gave up. May others see what you created in me, may I not keep your love a secret to others any more, but share all you have done for me with others. Thank you Lord on this special day, the day you decided I was worthy to be here.