How Quick We Turn
Scripture Exodus 32: [8] They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made themselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf. They have bowed down to it and sacrificed to it and have said, `These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.’
Observation: How easy it is to turn away from God to the gods of this world. We are surrounded by so much evil in this world and turn to the god of money, success, lust and popularity and forget what God has told us. He tells us to love one another and put the needs of others above our own, but how many of us do that? Each day we are left with a choice are we going to follow God or the gods of this world?
Application: I get so easily sucked in to the things and sin of this world. When I try to focus on God and get into His word, my mind wanders. I need to be more focused on God and what He wants of me and to remember I’m only here for a short while before it is time to go home to my Father. I need to stay focused on my true home and not this temporary place that I dwell.
Prayer: My Father I want to be obedient to you and please you with the life I live, but I need you. I’m weak and easily distracted, help me stay focused on you and your desires for my life. Time here is getting short and I do want to earn rewards so that I have something to bring home to you.