So Many People, So Many Gifts
Scripture Exodus 37:29 They also made the sacred anointing oil and the pure, fragrant incense–the work of a perfumer.
Observation: You forget how many professions there are, especially now in this world. Imagine if everyone used their talent and gift for God’s glory, even for just one project, what a difference it would make. It’s amazing how many different abilities there are, I would never guessed a perfumer who made the scented oil. God has put in us a desire and an ability to fulfill a purpose that He created us for. We know our job in this world, but maybe you don’t care for it and there is something else on your heart to do, if God put it there I know one thing, you can do it.
Application: I know the gifts that were given to me. Even today I was figuring something out and I thought to myself how clever and then I thanked God for allowing me to see His gift. When I do a task or get complemented for a job well done, I need to take a moment and thank God for that gift. I need to use those gifts more for God’s glory and not just for me.
Prayer: My Lord I thank you for the gifts you have given me and allowing me to use them at times to glorify you, I ask that you use them more for you and less for me, that they will be a free will offering of my love to you.