Distinguishing Good and Evil
Scripture Leviticus 10: [10] You must distinguish between the holy and the common, between the unclean and the clean,
Observation: Every day I try to distinguish from the unclean and clean thoughts I have. I try to justify my sinful ways and want to think my way is right, because it is good for me. I’ll have evil thoughts toward someone and try to justify them in my mind by coming up with the sinful way that person is and disregarding what my Lord tells me to do. I forget God loves me no matter what and I’m a terrible sinner.
Application: God’s word tells me what is clean and unclean, what is holy or common. His word tells me how to act, how to treat others and how to live a godly life. I need to stop trying to justify my emotions as if it is from God when I know it is unclean thoughts. I need to be a doer of the word and not just a hearer. God has given me specific instructions on what I should do in every circumstance and I need to obey His commands.
Prayer: Dear Lord I don’t know why you love this sinner. Help me please live a clean and holy life. I’m only here because you choose for me to be, may I fulfill the purpose you created your servant for and may I please you in all that I do.