Jesus my Scapegoat
Scripture Leviticus 16: [22] The goat will carry on itself all their sins to a solitary place; and the man shall release it in the desert.
Observation: Jesus is my Lord, God and Savior, but He also humbled himself to be my scapegoat. He carried my sins away so that my Heavenly Father couldn’t see them through Him. But He wasn’t only my scapegoat He also was the sacrifice for my sins. He sacrificed His life for my sins and then He carried them away, He has done everything for me, but what have I done for Him.
Application: I don’t think of Jesus’ sacrifice very much and yet the only reason I’m going to heaven instead of Hell is because of His love for me. What a sacrificial love He has for us, but what do I give back? I know there is nothing I can do to repay His sacrifice, but there are things I should do to show Him I love Him All I have is this life here on earth to show how much I love Him and lately I haven’t been doing a good job of it. I need to focus more on my Lord and less of the things of this world and give the time He has blessed me with back in service to Him.
Prayer: My Lord thank you for all you have done for me and all that you do each day. Help me keep my mind and heart on the things that honor you and give me courage and strength to use this precious time you have given me to draw others to you. I love you Lord help me show it to the people you put in my path and to you.