I Need to Love My Neighbor
Scripture Leviticus 19:18 ” `Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.
Observation: I have such a hard time with this command. I’m very judgmental and have an opinion for everyone and I’m the king of grudge holding. Even now I can’t forgive Blair and the way he treats his sister, my wife. I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t have a negative thought towards him and hope only the worst. When left alone with my thoughts they are always negative and my neighbor behind me and across the street I wish would go away.
Application: If I would spend more time loving instead of planning revenge I could be a godly man. Instead my heart is hard towards so many people and they probably don’t even know it. I need to turn to Jesus every time my heart grows cold and evil and ask for forgiveness and guidance on what I should be doing. I need to remember how much God loves me and what I really deserve and not what He gives me each day.
Prayer: My Lord soften this hard heart and show me how to love my neighbor no matter what they do to me. Give me a spirit of love like your Son and that people will see this loving spirit and be drawn closer to you.