Why Keep God’s Commands?
Scripture Leviticus 22:31 “Keep my commands and follow them. I am the LORD.
Observation: I think this scriptures says it clearly why we should follow God’s command, because He is God. He is our Lord, creator, savior and we are only here because of His desire not ours. His is the only commands that we should keep and follow and if there are any other commands that contradict His, God’s commands should always over rule those. I believe the home my Lord is building for me will be decorated by my obedience.
Application: I need to know all of God’s commands and read his word each day. I not only have to keep God’s command close to my heart, I also need to follow them each day. I know I can’t do this alone and I will only succeed with the help of the Holy Spirit and I need to make myself open to all He desires me to do. I’m here as a servant and will remain one forever, so I need to be the best servant I can be and be obedient to my master.
Prayer: Dear Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit and speak to me each day. Take all the distractions away so that I may hear clearly your directions and that I will follow them each day. I love you and you deserve my very best.