We were Unclean before Jesus
Scripture Leviticus 15:8 ” `If the man with the discharge spits on someone who is clean, that person must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be unclean till evening.
Observation: In Leviticus it tells us all the things that can make us unclean and what they needed to do to become clean again. This world we live in can make us unclean with all the sin that surrounds us. Before Jesus there wouldn’t been enough cattle to sacrifice to make me clean of my sins. Jesus made me clean with His sacrifice on the cross and even though I make myself unclean by the things I do each day He is there to clean me up.
Application: I need to keep that in my heart, the sacrifice Jesus made for me and not take it for granted. It’s so easy to fall in the trap knowing that Jesus will lift us up out of it. My Lord needs to be honored by what I do each day, because He deserves everything that I have and am. When I make myself unclean I need to go to Him and thank Him for His love and protection and make every effort not to do it again.
Prayer: My Lord forgive this unclean servant of yours. I need you guidance to stay on the path of righteousness that you desire me to be on. Make me clean and aware of your presence so that I will stay focused on you and not fall back to my unclean ways. Thank You Lord.