Doing Whatever the Lord Says
Scripture Numbers 23:26 Balaam answered, “Did I not tell you I must do whatever the LORD says?”
Observation: How I wish that is all I would do, what my Lord says. I do so much more what I want instead of what God wants and I pay the consequences. I hurry and do things because I think they are either right or just what I want to do for the moment without taking any consideration if this is something God could bless or what.
Application: I need to stop and ask God before I do anything. I should be doing only what God says and what honors Him. I need to study to make sure I know the things that glorify God and that He would want done. In everything I should be giving God the glory and honor and be careful not to do the things that would displease Him.
Prayer: My Lord guide your servant and show me how to do only what You desire. Take this selfishness away from me and give me a spirit of discernment for what you desire. Help me finish this race well before I come home to You.