An Eye for an Eye
Scripture Leviticus 24: [20] fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As he has injured the other, so he is to be injured.
Observation: It’s seems only right that people should get the same punishment as they inflicted on someone else and I feel it is something that God has put on our heart. Today the news is filled with so many horrid things that people do to others. Just recently on the news a man kidnapped 3 girls and held them in captivity for more than 10 years raping and abusing them. Death does not even sound just because of the torture these girls endured for so long. It is not that I want revenge, since I don’t know any of these people on the news, but it seems only right and because we don’t give these offenses the proper punishment they continue to multiply.
Application: I don’t feel my feeling are unjust for these crimes or that I’m an extremist, but that God’s heart is speaking to me. There is so much hatred in this world because of the way we treat each others. I need to act as if I was going to do anything evil to anyone else that that evil would be done to me. Do onto others as if you want to be done to you. I need to treat others in that manner.
Prayer: My Lord it must be so hard for you to look at this fallen world and see all the evil that is in it. Help us be better people for you and give out the justice that would honor you. We are evil people and we need your guidance on how to live a godly life in your name. Place on my heart what you would have me do. Your servant.