My God Fights for Me
Scripture Deuteronomy 20:4 for the LORD your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.’
Observation: I use to think I had to do everything for myself and my life depended on me, but now that I’m saved I look back to see how God was working in my life. He is the one that always came to my rescue and he was the one that fought for me. My biggest enemy was myself and He helped me die to myself so that I may live a life of hope and joy.
Application: I need to live this life depending on God and doing what He calls me to do. I’m here as a servant not a king, I have only one king, my Lord Jesus. I need to listen to His instruction and do what He calls me to do and have faith that He will protect and guide me each day. This battle is too big for me I need to let Jesus my King and warrior take charge and follow behind Him.
Prayer: My Lord, thank you for your hedge of protection you surround me with. Lead your servant and show me what You desire of me. I need your love and protection or I’ll never make it through a day. Help me be a better follower as you lead the way.