Obeying My Lord Is For Me
Scripture Deuteronomy 10 [13] and to observe the LORD’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?
Observation: I know I am to obey God’s commands, but I didn’t realize it was for my own good. I thought I was obeying God because He deserves my obedience, which He does, but why is that for my own good? All of God’s commands are directions on how I should live my life and in those directions are ways for me to earn rewards in heaven, fulfill my purpose, protect me and give me a life of joy. Whether I obey God or not does not affect Him, it is all for my own good or ruin.
Application: To realize God loves me and wants the best for me that is why He gives me commands. He has a plan for my life and I need to follow His directions to fulfill that purpose. Keep reading and studying His commands and follow them to the letter knowing that they are for my own good to live a life that will glorify my Lord.
Prayer: Dear Father thank you for your love and commands. Help me obey every one of them and draw me nearer to you. I want and need you in my life and I want to stay on the path you have chosen for me. Guide me each day and open my heart to you.