Read It All the Days of Your Life
Scripture Deuteronomy 17:19 And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the LORD his God and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statutes,
Observation: Since I’ve been saved I’ve read the Bible almost every day. I’m reading now for the fourteenth time and I still find something new in God’s word. I’m getting to know God’s laws and desires and I find myself more of a sinner since I realize the things I do are against God at times. I’m learning more about God in His word and I know His laws better now than I ever had, but I still don’t observe them all the time, because I still do what I desire above what God desires of me.
Application: I need to continue to read God’s word and to understand in my mind and heart what He desires of me. I need to continue doing this journal, because it helps me hear God more clearly as He directs my steps through His word. I need to do more than just read however, I need to study and have God’s word in my heart so that I can use it throughout the day.
Prayer: My Lord I want to finish this race well before I go home to you. Place on my heart your word and laws and help me obey each one. Help me hear you and point me in the direction you desire me to go. I can’t wait to come home to you, help me glorify you while I’m still here.