Punishment for Evil
Scripture Deuteronomy 19:20 And those who remain shall hear and fear, and hereafter they shall not again commit such evil among you.
Observation: In our society today there is so much evil done each day. The news is full of the evil we do to each other and yet the punishment does not come close to the crime. Our prisons are full of criminals whose rights are protected more than their victims. Our politicians are criminals and their crimes are made public in the news, but little is done to them. If we would do what God commands us to make the punishment harsh enough so people would think twice before committing these terrible crimes our society would be much better off.
Application: God has called me to a standard of living in this world and to be a representative of Him. I need to help get God’s word out to others and guide them with it so that they too may see the truth. God has given me responsibility of my actions and I need to be the best person I can be to set an example to others. I may not be able to change our legal system but I can help point others to Christ and His word.
Prayer: Dear Lord help me be a better person. A just and loving man that would honor you in all that I do. I’m here for a short while may I live my walk and walk close to you.