Holding Fast to God
Scripture Deuteronomy 13 [4] It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.
Observation: To hold fast to something you must have it in your sight and in your presence. To hold God fast I must be in His word and He must be in my thoughts always. To follow His commands I must know them and understand them and I would need to want to follow His commands because I love and revere him. To hold fast He must be my goal in life and only Him should I follow, if I follow the things of this world or my own desires outside of my Lord I will no longer be holding fast, but in truth be letting go.
Application: God needs to be on my mind more and in my thoughts and actions. I can’t settle for a quick prayer or 15 minutes of reading the bible, but I must be with Him throughout the day and always in my thoughts and heart. My joy comes from Him and I want to live a joyful life. I need to share how I’m feeling with my God and ask what He desires of me throughout the day not just at the end. I can’t let go, I need to hold on tight each day.
Prayer: My Lord help me hold fast unto you. Hold unto me so that I don’t let go. Keep my eyes and ears on you and your word so that I may grow closer to you and be more like your son. I’m here only for one purpose guide me each day in fulfilling that purpose in glory and honor to your name.