The Greatest Commandment
Scripture Deuteronomy 6 [5] Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
Observation: This is the greatest And should be the easiest to keep. With all that God has done for me this should be a no brainer. There shouldn’t be anything more important than my heavenly Father and it should be natural to love Him with all of my heart, soul and strength, but so much of the time I don’t. To love someone that much you must be thinking of Him most if not all of the time. I love my wife and I think of her throughout the day, unfortunately I don’t think of God as often. I pray throughout the day and ask for His help, but it’s not very often that I tell Him that I love Him and to love someone with all of my heart, soul and strength I would be telling Him all of the time, because that is what would be on my heart.
Application: So before I ask my Lord for anything I need to tell Him how much I love Him and how much He means to me. I need to have my God on my mind and heart at all times and it should be natural as I think of how wonderful and beautiful He is. This is the most important commandment and without it the rest mean so little. I’m here because my Lord loves me and has a plan for me, I’m His. I need to love Him the way He deserves to be loved by me with all of my heart, soul and strength.
Prayer: My Father I do love you and forgive me for not telling you more often. You have always been there for me even though I don’t deserve it. It is your love that keeps me going and forgive me for not being more appreciative of that amazing love. Help me show my love to you and speak to me so that I will always feel your presence in my life. I love you Father and I’m here to serve you in whatever way you desire.