Is My Life Pleasing to the Lord?
Scripture Numbers 28: [8] Prepare the second lamb at twilight, along with the same kind of grain offering and drink offering that you prepare in the morning. This is an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the LORD.
Observation: We don’t have to make sacrifices like the old testament, so what do we do that would be pleasing to the Lord? Since Jesus sacrificed His life as the final sacrifice for our sins, the sacrifice we are called to make that would be an aroma pleasing to God is what we do with our lives. Obedience of God’s word, loving Him and others, bearing fruit and witnessing to others that Jesus is the Christ are all things that are pleasing to God.
Application: My Lord I know what pleases you, yet I do so little of it. Tomorrow I start up my class on depression and I know this is pleasing to you and that you will be there. Help me use the other gifts I have like serving, organization and cooking to your glory so when I cook and serve others it would go up as an aroma pleasing to you.
Prayer: My Lord I am lazy and self-centered, help me overcome this so that I may do more that is pleasing to you. I do want to serve in a way that pleases you give me the strength and discipline to do that, Help me finish this race in a way that honors you.