Knowing the Lord Face to Face
Scripture Deut 34:10 But since then there has not arisen in Israel a prophet like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face,
Observation: On this earth I most likely will never know the Lord face to face like Moses, but a time is coming when I will leave this earth and go home to be with the Lord. Then I will now Him and worship Him on the new earth. I’ve been doing a study on Heaven and it is so joyful to know I will be with God for all eternity. I will learn about God and His desires and will have no obstacles but be able to serve Him completely. I hope to walk with Him as He did with Adam and Eve in the Garden I want Him to be proud of me and desire to be with me. I will be able to see Him face to face even clearer than Moses.
Application: I need to prepare myself before going home. I need to pack, my good deeds, ripe fruit which I bore and anything that I did that earned me a crown so I have something to present my Lord. I don’t know how long I’ll still be here, but as long as I am I want to run this race in a way that I will get the prize, that each day I earn myself treasures in heaven and that I will live a life in a way that I will hear from the love of my life, well done good and faithful servant.
Prayer: My Lord a day doesn’t go by that I don’t waste most of the time you have blessed me with on things for me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me how to build treasures in heaven that when I get there I have something to lay at your feet. I’m yours and can’t wait to see you face to face, but until that time help me pack for the journey. I love you Lord.