To Inherit the Lord
Scripture Josh 13:33 But to the tribe of Levi Moses had given no inheritance; the LORD God of Israel was their inheritance, as He had said to them.
Observation: The Levi’s made out much better than any of the other tribes, because their inheritance was the Lord. What more is there? To be able to serve the Lord completely and to inherit His blessings, I would want to be a Levi. I think it would be wonderful if my life time job was to serve and know God completely, instead of the part time job it has become in my life. It won’t be long till I receive my inheritance and I’ll have that time to know my Lord for all eternity.
Application: I need to make knowing and serving my Lord a full time and not a part time job. The better I get to know Him the more I’ll understand what He desires of me. To finish this race well I need to be ready for anything, studying the course that I’ll be running. I need to live a better life, one that honors God each day instead of every once in a while.
Prayer: Dear Lord for you to be my inheritance is everything. I know I’m not worthy of such an inheritance and I’ll never be. Help me get ready to honor you until I come home for ever with you. Use me and all that I have in glory and honor to your name.