The Lord That Delivers
Scripture Judges 12:3 So when I saw that you would not deliver me, I took my life in my hands and crossed over against the people of Ammon; and the LORD delivered them into my hand. Why then have you come up to me this day to fight against me?”
Observation: So many times we ask that someone do something for us instead of asking God who can do so much more than anyone. God is not always our first choice and He should be. We should always ask God first for direction and He might lead us to someone that will help us, but God should always be first on our hearts and minds. God always delivers, He might do it in ways we weren’t expecting, but He always comes through for us in the way we needed it to be.
Application: I keep counting on myself to get things done in the way I think it should be done. I need to come before the throne and ask for direction, no matter what it might be and then listen and follow His instructions to what should be done. I want to live this life for my Lord and how am I going to know what that is unless I ask Him?
Prayer: My Lord please guide me each day through every situation and decision that needs to be made. Guide my path, words and actions that they might be holy to you and others. Set me apart for your purpose and that I will fulfill it in glory and honor to you.