Our God Provides
Scripture Ruth 4:14 Then the women said to Naomi, “Blessed be the LORD, who has not left you this day without a close relative; and may his name be famous in Israel!
Observation: Naomi continued to say that God has cursed her, because of the things that happened in her life. Yet God supplied Ruth, her daughter-in-law to help take care of her and to supply an heir. God’s hand was in everything to make sure that she would be taken care of and that a child would be born who would become the father of Jesse who was the father of David, the line that Jesus would come from. God always supplies what we need, unfortunately we think we need so much more. We are here for a short time and God will give us what we need to make sure we can complete the purpose we are created for, but we have to decide are we here to serve the Lord or ourselves.
Application: I need to stop wanting things and look at what the Lord has already has given me and see how it can be used for His glory. I have so much an awesome wife who I love with all of my heart, a wonderful home, a great family and God has taken care of all of my needs and so many of my desires. I want for nothing except to serve Him with who I am.
Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for taking care of me and blessing me so much. Help me now understand the purpose you desire me to fulfill. Show me how to spread your word to others and make a difference for Your kingdom. Give me the heart to serve and draw me near to you. I love you my Lord make me a better servant.