Daily Devotional

I’m Now Another Man

Scripture 1 Sam 10:6 Then the Spirit of the LORD will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man.

Observation: When I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior and the Holy Spirit took His place in my heart, I was changed. Even from the beginning I remember I couldn’t swear anymore or tell a lie. I started to see people differently, more like how God sees us. God gave me a heart to serve and do something for His glory and before I didn’t do anything for anyone, even my own family. My heart was softened, I became someone different, someone I wish I was my whole life. I remember, before that every day I wish I was someone else, anyone but me and now I wouldn’t want to be anyone else, maybe just a little better me each day.

Application: Stay focused on the man God wants me to be. Get more involved in things at church and find a way to get the depression ministry and outreach ministry going. Each day become a better me, someone that honors God each day. I need to try harder to be better for my Lord, it’s too easy to do nothing. I’m so blessed that God has made me a different man then I use to be, but I still want to be better, better every day.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for changing me from the person I created. Thank you for softening my heart and changing my thinking so that it serves you. Continue to change me, filling me with the Holy Spirit reaping rewards for your glory.

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