Daily Devotional

May I Never Forget All You Do

Scripture 1 Sam 12:24 Only fear the LORD, and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you.

Observation: God deserves all of my heart mind and soul at all times, yet boy do I fall short. If I would think of all the great things God has done in my life I wouldn’t have time to think of anything else. He has saved me from death at least seven times that I know of and has kept me around. That in itself is a great miracle. I do want to serve my Lord with all of my heart, but this evil that dwells within me has the focus on me and not my God most of the time. My one desire is to serve my God and to please Him just to show Him that I do love Him and I want to do it with my whole heart.

Application: I need to spend time each day quiet and just think of the great things God has done for me. I believe that will draw me closer to Him and help me listen to Him. I know my Lord knows my heart, better than even I do and deep down all I want to do is please Him. I need to make that my top priority in my life to serve Him each day and to serve others for my Lord’s glory and not my recognition. I don’t have much time left here and I want to run this race well and I can’t waste any more time on my own pleasures that don’t honor my master.

Prayer: My Lord and my God. Thank you for not giving up on me. I know where I belong and I thank you for the sacrifice of your Son. You put me here for a reason, please Lord let me complete the tasks you have put aside for me to do. Take this laziness away and give me wisdom and courage to succeed. I’m only here for your glory, may I hear the words well done good and faithful servant, when it’s time.

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