Daily Devotional

Being A Man After God’s Heart

Scripture 1 Sam 13:14 But now your kingdom shall not continue. The LORD has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the LORD has commanded him to be commander over His people, because you have not kept what the LORD commanded you.”

Observation: Am I that man, a man after God’s own heart? I wish I was, I have my moments, but the moments are few and far between. I’m only near to God when I keep His commandments. Yesterday was a celebration at my work and I had an opportunity to share with the Chairman of the board about God. We both shared our love for God and I was able to give him a copy of the book I wrote. For those moments I was a man after God’s heart. A loving and caring man loving God with all of my heart, mind and soul. I have those moments, but that should be my life, not an occasion experience. I pray that when God is seeking a man after his own heart, He would at least consider me.

Application: I need to seek to be that special man that lives a life for God. I know what that life looks like and how it should be lived. God has given me instructions in his word and even examples to follow. I have the choice to be that man after God’s own heart or to be the man that pleases me. I need to choose to be the man that desires to please my master.

Prayer: My Lord I want to serve you. I want to be the man you seek, the man after your own heart, a heart of love, a concern for others and of obedience to you. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and make me this man. I desire to please and serve you with this life, it is yours.

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