Let the Lord Judge
Scripture 1 Sam 24:12 Let the LORD judge between you and me, and let the LORD avenge me on you. But my hand shall not be against you.
Observation: I’m so fast to judge others and what to defend myself, when there is nothing to defend. My focus is on me and I feel I deserve so much more than others, when I deserve nothing. When someone might wrong me in my opinion I want revenge or justification that I was the one that was right. The closer I get to God the more I realize I deserve nothing and everything that I have is a privilege give to me by God. I need to turn the other cheek and in all I do I need to give God the glory and not try to win a fight, but give it to God and let Him judge and take care of it the way He wants.
Application: I need to humble myself, since that is a lot of my problem, I want what I think I deserve, which in reality is nothing. I need to humble myself to the Lord and seek his will for my life. I’m a servant and need to start acting like one being submissive to my Master. Use any opportunity to humble myself before others whether I’m right or wrong and point to my Lord so that He gets the glory.
Prayer: My Lord I humbly come before you and ask that you guide me to what you desire of me. Take this pride from me and show me what to do, humble me before others so that they would see your grace. Get me out of my own way and take charge. It is yours to judge and mine to follow.