Obeying the Voice of the Lord
Scripture 1 Sam 15:22 So Samuel said: “Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams.
Observation: We can give our time and money to what we think honors God, but if we are not obedient to what He tells us it means nothing. I’ve caught myself doing things that appear to be doing for God, but instead it makes me look good as I sacrifice my time and talents. When I do something for God I first must be sure it is what God desires and that I’m hearing God’s voice in what I do and then I need to do it out of obedience for Him and give my Lord all of the glory. Everything that I have came from God so to give it as a sacrifice is only giving God back what He gave me, but to be obedient to my Master, to honor Him with this life that He gave me, that is what pleases God.
Application: I need to spend more time listening to God and asking my Lord what He desires of me. I need to rid myself of all these selfish desires I have and put God first where He belongs. I need to stay in God’s word so that I know his commands and then I need to be faithful to follow, in obedience. Everything I have was given to me by God and it needs to be used for Him. He gave me several talents, how many will I return when I go home?
Prayer: Dear Lord this is your servant. I know I’m hard of hearing most of the time so I ask you to speak up so that I may hear your voice. I want to obey your commands, please make it clear what you want your servant to do. May what you have given me multiply and be pleasing to you. I look forward to serving you always. I love you with all of my heart, may my actions prove that.