Answered Prayers
Scripture 1 Sam 1:27 For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition which I asked of Him.
Observation: How many times do we have answered prayers? I know for myself I can’t keep track it happens so often in my life. Now how many times do we thank Him for those answered prayers? Here Hannah made a vow that if God answered her prayers she would dedicate her son to His service and she did along with offering and sacrifices. God has answered my prayers and has given me so many blessings that if I spent every moment of my life thanking Him it wouldn’t be enough, yet I only spend moments if that in thanksgiving. With my lack of gratitude it’s amazing God hears me at all.
Application: I need to tell and show my gratitude for all the Lord does for me. I should never be depressed since I should have a thankful spirit. Whenever something doesn’t go my way I need to thank God for all the things that do and the things that He has blessed me with. I’m here and breathing and more important I have an eternal home that I don’t deserve compliments of my King and that in its self is more than enough to thank God every moment of every day for His grace.
Prayer: My Lord thank you for all you do and all that you are. I thank you for the Master you are and for the blessing you have bestowed on me and the blessing yet to come. I thank you for loving this sinner and that you love me so much you have built a home for me that I get to dwell for all of eternity. Forgive me when my heart turns cold and I forget your mercy. Give me a new heart, a heart that will serve you better.