Does the Lord Speak of Me?
Scripture 2 Sam 3:18 Now then, do it! For the LORD has spoken of David, saying, ‘By the hand of My servant David, I will save My people Israel from the hand of the Philistines and the hand of all their enemies.’
Observation: Throughout scripture the Lord has spoken of people like Moses, David, Solomon, Samuel and so on. He spoke of these men because they followed and obeyed God and God wanted to tell us that he was going to use this obedience. I don’t think I would have ever made the scriptures, because my walk is shallow. There will be times when I obey God, then others when I disobey and yet other times when I just ignore my Lord completely. If God was going to speak of me, it wouldn’t have been pleasant.
Application: I want to be that man that God can speak of, an obedient and loving man, a man that would put God first in everything and that I would love him with all of my heart, mind and soul. Yet I’m a sinner and my focus always comes back to me and my needs, not a God honoring man at all. It’s not too late to change, I need to put God first in everything and ask for his guidance in all that happens. Give my time freely to my Master and use it in his service. I want the Lord to speak of me, maybe to the angels as he did with Job. That he could say that I’m an upright man who honors him.
Prayer: Dear Lord I know there isn’t much about my life that you could be proud of, but you know that I love you and want to be a better man for you. Help me grow closer to you and understand what would please you with this life. May the rest of this life be an example of how to live a life in glory and honor to you.