Daily Devotional

Who Am I Oh Lord

Scripture 2 Sam 7:18 Then King David went in and sat before the LORD; and he said: “Who am I, O Lord GOD? And what is my house, that You have brought me this far?

Observation: I’ve asked myself more than a couple of times. I tried to end my life six times and at least once was in an accident that should have killed me and yet I’m still here. Not only am I still alive, but I’ve prospered over the years, maybe not in worldly wealth but in knowledge and blessings. God has taken care of all of my needs, has blessed me with things that I wanted, has watched over my family and has blessed me with the most amazing woman to be my wife. But why? Who am I that I should be the recipient of just great mercies and blessing? Like John I’m the one He loves, like all of his children. God loves and cares for me and has a purpose for my life and if I’m obedient He will show me all the things he wants of me.

Application: Be aware of the many blessing God has bestowed on me and be grateful. Continue to ask God what he desires of me each day and then do them, no excuses. Realize I’m his creation, his child and that he loves me and wants the best for me and not to question it but to receive it by faith. Who am I? I’m his.

Prayer: Dear Lord take me by the hand and use me, increase my faith and draw me near. I am your creation, your servant and your child, command me as you desire and give me the wisdom and courage to do it. I love you with all of my heart and want to serve and please you all the days of my life.

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