Daily Devotional

The Kindness of God

Scripture 2 Sam 9:3 Then the king said, “Is there not still someone of the house of Saul, to whom I may show the kindness of God?” And Ziba said to the king, “There is still a son of Jonathan who is lame in his feet.”

Observation: Can you imagine trying to show someone the kindness of God. First you would have to put their needs above our own. Wait I think we were called to do that somewhere. We would have to genially want to please them, not a false kindness but one from the heart wanting to glorify God by the way we treat that person. We would want to make sure that person is happy and then give God the glory. I wish I could say I’ve done that for someone, I seem to always get in my way of fulfilling things the way God wants them fulfilled. Through the grace of God I’m still breathing so I still have the opportunity to show God’s kindness to someone.

Application: I need to put the needs of others above my own. God commands it and He deserves my obedience. I need to focus on what I do is for God and not the person. When I focus I people I have a tendency to compare myself to them, but when Focused on God my heart fills with love and gratitude and that is what I need to fulfill the way God wants me to love others. As I love that way people will see God through my actions.

Prayer: Dear Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit so that I can love the way you want me to love. I do not have that ability apart from you. I’m selfish and it seems to be my nature to look out for me above anything else. Please change me into the man you desire, for that is my desire to please you. You are worthy of all my worship, praise and love, may others see that in my life and attitude toward them.

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