Wait for the Lord to Repay
Scripture 2 Sam 16:12 It may be that the LORD will look on my affliction, and that the LORD will repay me with good for his cursing this day.”
Observation: This scripture shows someone cursing King David and his men asked if they should kill him to shut him up. David looked at this situation coming from God, a test maybe, but he felt that God might have put him in his path. We have choices to, do we take revenge or do we look at a situation possibly coming from God? Even if it didn’t come from God, God has told us how to handle situations, we are to forgive others, love others, help them and the commandments tell us never to hurt anyone. So David felt if this was a test he wanted to pass and he knew if he did what honored God that he would be repaid, whether on this earth or the next.
Application: All day long my mind feeds on negative thoughts and the majority of thoughts towards others is negative and hurtful. I look at situations and see them in a way that I’m the one that is justified no matter who it might hurt. I need to change my heart because of there are rewards for doing good there are also consequences for doing wrong. To be a light means to shine brightly and to shine in that way we need to reflect the light of our Lord. People need to see Jesus in my life and the way I treat others is the most important step in serving God.
Prayer: My Lord help me please have a peaceful spirit and loving way towards others. I want to be repaid for the good I do, help me do good. May I be your ambassador in this dark place and shine my light to direct others to the saving grace of my Savior.