What Is Our Priority?
Scripture 2 Sam 19:30 Then Mephibosheth said to the king, “Rather, let him take it all, inasmuch as my lord the king has come back in peace to his own house.”
Observation: What’s most important to us? That has changed so many times in my life from making money, job prestige, security, recognition and other self-focused priorities. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn’t give for the safety and health of my wife, but even more important than that is how I honor God. There should never be anything more important than God in our lives, since if it wasn’t for Him we wouldn’t be here. Everything I do should be centered with God in mind, everything I do needs to honor God whether at work, rest or play my life should be a reflection of Jesus. I’m so far from that and I need to do more to accomplish this goal that the Holy Spirit has put on my heart.
Application: Sometimes I think I’m doing okay for God, but I look at the time I spent that doesn’t and I know I’m so far from what I should be doing. I need to spend my time more preciously, honoring God. He has blessed me with talents and gifts that I can use and I need to be doing just that honoring God with the time I have left on this earth. What I do now will affect me for all of eternity.
Prayer: My Lord I want to do what is right by you, but I always fall short and I need you to keep me on the path you want me to be on. Give me wisdom and courage to do what is of you and so when I come home you will welcome me with a smile and a well done good and faithful servant.