Keeping Our End of the Deal
Scripture 2 Sam 21:14 They buried the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son in the country of Benjamin in Zelah, in the tomb of Kish his father. So they performed all that the king commanded. And after that God heeded the prayer for the land.
Observation: We expect God just to answer our prayers no matter what. God’s promises comes with a condition, He expects us to do something before He will do what He says. God does not answer prayers unless they are in His will. If you pray for a million dollars the chance God answers that prayer is very slim, because it’s not in His will for you. In this case there was a drought and King David called out to God and he told him that there was something He needed to do before the prayer would be answered and after he accomplished the task God heeded his prayer. Before we pray we need to make sure we are in God’s will and if there is sin in your life you may have to correct the problem before you can get your answer. For example if you are in an adulterous relationship do not expect God to answer your prayer as a matter of fact watch out for God’s wrath.
Application: I need to straighten out my own life before asking God for anything. I need to take a close look at my life and see where I’m sinning against my Lord. I need to come to Him and prayer and ask Him what I need to change so that He may hear my request and live a life honoring to Him. When I pray I need to make sure my request is in line of what God wants and that it will be in His will, not mine.
Prayer: My Lord I come to you and ask that you tell me how to live this life in honor to you. Make it clear to me what I need to change to be pleasant in your sight. Point out the sin in my life so that I may see and change so that my prayers will not be hindered, because of the life I’m leading. May this life honor you.