Keep Your Word
Scripture 1 Kings 1:30 just as I swore to you by the LORD God of Israel, saying, ‘Assuredly Solomon your son shall be king after me, and he shall sit on my throne in my place,’ so I certainly will do this day.”
Observation: Let your yes be yes and your no, no. Be truthful in all that you say do not lie or take back a promise, because the Lord knows. God has made promises in His word and has kept each one as an example we should do the same. If we promise someone we are going to do something we need to do it in glory and honor to God. We are to have godly character and to be representatives of our King and our King does not need a liar as His servant. We are to represent our King to others and they should know that we are Christians or we’re not doing a very good job. Our character is our integrity and others need to see that.
Application: To make sure I do everything I promise someone I will do and to do it with a gracious spirit as If I was doing it for the Lord, which I am. To be the best representative I can be for the Lord on this earth, helping bring others to His loving grace. I need to be so much more loving and a better witness for my Lord, people around me should not have a doubt that I belong to my Lord and Savior.
Prayer: Dear Lord help me a trustworthy person even though you are the only one that is completely trustworthy, help me be an ambassador for you. I want to be a light in this world help me shine brightly, always telling the truth and being dependable no matter what the situation.